Gift a stylish custom-made ring to your wife at the Kichijoji store

Today I want to share a wonderful story of a beautiful ring. A gift for a 10th wedding anniversary for one of our customers.


“My wife asked me to gift her a ring for her 10th wedding anniversary.”, tells the husband.


His wife wanted a large stone half eternity ring, with her birthstone peridot.


She entrusted us with the design. We wanted to create a sophisticated ring with unique details.

We thought of setting 0.1ct diamonds and peridot stones alternately around the band.


She agreed, and in the end was very happy about her new ring. The joy and gratitude of working in the world of custom-made jewelry, where we can create something meaningful that will last a lifetime.


After making the ring, we learnt that the diamond is the birthstone of the husband, which gave even more meaning to the design. We loved working with this couple, getting to be part of their love story.



"結婚十周年記念の素敵な指輪のお話" いつものようにお客様ご夫婦をお迎えしお話を伺うと ご主人から結婚十周年記念に指輪をプレゼントしたいといわれました 優しい雰囲気の方でした 奥様は大ぶりな石のハーフエタニティーリングをご希望で 誕生石のペリドットを石留め希望で 0.1ctダイヤモンドとペリドットを交互にセッティング デザインを僕に任せていただいたので 他にない細部に洗練された指輪を制作したい気持ちになりました ご夫婦の空気感を優しく清々しくイメージでき制作も捗ります オーダーメイドジュエリーの世界で仕事をする喜びと感謝 追伸 制作後にお聞きするとダイヤはご主人の誕生石だそうです ますますご夫婦のファンになりました

Half eternity ring



Blue Dove Jessica Nylund


Blue Dove Wedding Rings

Blue Dove News Article