Order made jewelry

This is a drawing of a custom-made necklace.


A large jade oval in the center decorates the chest.


Surrounded by melee diamonds, it accentuates the characteristics of the jade stone.




We took this jade from the customer’s old ring, so that she could more comfortably wear it as a necklace instead.


When we make a new custom design for a customer, we always present a drawing of the design before starting the work. This is an important part of the process, to clearly convey the image to the customer.


Come visit us at the studio, bring your old jewelry, and let’s have a chat!



Blue Dove Jessica Nylund



Email: info@dovemarriagerings.com
Reception hours: 10:00~18:00
Blue Dove https://dovemarriagerings.com/contact


Blue Dove Wedding Rings https://dovemarriagerings.com/category/products/marriage-ring

Blue Dove News Article https://kichijoji.keizai.biz/headline/3081/